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An overview of Chiropractic


Chiropractor and Chiropraktiker
- what is the difference?

Chiropractic is the third largest healthcare profession in the world, after medicine and dentistry. In addition to conventional medical disciplines such as orthopaedics, neurology and rheumatology, academic chiropractic plays an important role in the treatment of spine-related complaints. .


In Germany, however, it is still a growing profession, only about 150 specially trained chiropractors are currently working here (DCG). Although further training to become a “chiropractor” is offered in Germany in courses lasting a few days or weeks, these are not an alternative to sound academic training and are not sufficient for safe treatment.

A chiropractor is a medical specialist who specializes in misalignments in the spine and the resulting subluxation in the nervous system.

A Doctor of Chiropractic has completed a 4 - 6-year medically sound course of study in order to be able to diagnose and treat the often complex clinical issues of the spine. This study is carried out according to international standards, which are set by independent accreditation organizations. In addition, the profession of Chiropractic is regulated by the World Health Organization (WHO). For this there is Minimum requirements guidelines to study chiropractic.

Academic training is followed by at least one

1-year residency with a registered chiropractor. After that, the step into your own practice is common.

Chiropractic is originally from Iowa, Devonport, USA. There it was developed in 1895 by Dr. DD Palmer and his son Dr. BJ Palmer.

'Chiropractic is the third largest healthcare profession in the world, after medicine and dentistry.'

Nervous System

The spinal column as the central axis of the musculoskeletal system and is intimately interconnected with the central nervous system. Therefore, when something is wrong with this system the symptoms can be very different for each individual and their causes are diverse. 

The nervous system is a highly complex communication system that coordinates our actions and sensory information by transmitting signals to and from different parts of the body.

The primary function of our nervous system is to detect environmental changes affecting the body and then respond appropriately to those changes. Our bodies rely on the nervous system to effectively regulate, realign, and heal itself.


A common cause of disorders in this system is the loss of function in one or more vertebral joints. This leads to communication disorders between the body and the brain, which means that the body is increasingly unable to regulate and heal itself. This is often experienced as postural tension, back pain or headaches.

The primary role of the chiropractor is to locate and correct these nervous system disorders. This restores balance and communication between the brain and body. 

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Mobilization / Adjustment

Treating a nerve disorder (chiropractic subluxation) is called an adjustment.

An adjustment is a specific and gentle impulse on fixed vertebral segments. This corrects the faulty communication of the affected nerve so that proper healing can take place. Initially, this will relieve pain and discomfort, but with time and regular treatments, the root cause can be corrected, leading to lasting relief.

Pain and Symptoms

Experiencing pain is something we all want to avoid. However, when symptoms are felt, it is usually the result of a chain of compensation and attempts by the body to heal.


So when we feel pain or discomfort, it is a signal from our body that something is wrong and that it needs to be fixed. It is important to interpret these signals correctly so that we can lead healthier lives.


Chiropractic care aims to understand the cause of symptoms, correct them in a targeted manner and treat them sustainably. 

'Health is a dynamic process, not a static state.'
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